About us

The French National Centre of Cinema  (CNC) is a public administrative institution created by the law of October 25th, 1946 and reformed by the ordinance n°2009-901 of July 24th, 2009, relating to the legislative part of the cinema and animated image code. It is placed under the authority of the Ministry of Culture and headed by a president.

The CNC is responsible for conceiving and implementing the State's policy in the fields of cinema and other arts and industries related to animated images, namely audiovisual, video, digital creation, and video games.


The CNC has several critical missions in the film and audiovisual industry. It aims to foster the growth and success of the industry by providing support for training, creation, distribution, exportation, and technical industries. The CNC also seeks to encourage and facilitate the creative pursuits of filmmakers, authors, and screenwriters by offering various forms of assistance, including financial aid for writing, production, distribution, exploitation, and exportation. As part of its regulatory role, the CNC is responsible for developing regulations and ensuring their application, while also conducting studies to evaluate industry trends and needs. It is also committed to promoting the diversity of creation and distribution and preserving the rich film heritage, as well as educating the public about the importance of film culture and developing film literacy. Through dialogue with industry professionals in France and abroad, the CNC seeks to advance the interests of the industry and enhance the attractiveness of the French territory.


The CNC is a public institution endowed with administrative and financial autonomy. Its independence is based on a system of taxes that funds its support and regulation missions. These taxes are levied on the distribution of works, including the TSA (tax on cinema tickets) which is collected for each ticket sold and amounts to 10.72% of the ticket price, and the TST (tax on television services) which applies to both publishers and distributors. Publishers are taxed on their advertising revenue, SMS and premium calls for their stream programs, as well as on their contribution to public audiovisual content, amounting to 5.15% of their revenue. Distributors are taxed on subscriptions to pay TV channels and triple-play subscriptions giving access to television services, ranging from 0.5% to 6.8% of their revenue. The tax on the physical and digital distribution of audiovisual content, known as TSV, impacts both DVD and Blu-Ray sellers and publishers of VOD services, whether free (YouTube) or paid (Netflix). The tax amounts to 5.15% of the turnover.

Organisation chart

General Management

Gaetan Bruel

Deputy General Manager
Olivier Henrard

Deputy to the Deputy General Manager
Vincent Villette


Film directorate

The cinema management is responsible for all financial support mechanisms for the cinema, whether in terms of production, distribution or exhibition. It encourages cinematographic creation and the pluralism of distribution and exploitation.
It ensures the widest distribution of works, the balance between the different forms of exploitation and the control of the fair distribution of receipts between the cinematographic professions.
It develops and implements the procedures specific to its mission, in conjunction with the Finance and Legal Department.

Lionel Bertinet

Director's deputy
Rafaèle Garcia

Director's deputy
Catherine Verliac

Creative Diversity Support Service
Anne d’Autume

Exhibition department
Corentin Bichet

Exhibition license and classification department
Pierre Chaintreuil

Exhibition results control department
Marie-Laure Douet

Production and distribution selective schemes department
Maud Vaintrub-Clamon

Production and distribution support department
Caroline Jeanneau


Audiovisual directorate

The Audiovisual Directorate's mission is to develop and implement financial support for the audiovisual program industry.
This directorate participates with the General Directorate of Media and Cultural Industries and Arcom in the development of regulations concerning television channels.

Amélie Leenhardt

Deputy director
Alice Delalande

Fiction and animation department
Anouk Deiller

Documentary support department
Juliette Moreau

Audiovisual adaptations of performing arts department
Bambou Nguyen


Directorate of Territorial Policy

The Directorate of Territorial Policy aims to support and structure a public film and moving image policy throughout the national territory. It carries out actions aimed at the public, in particular young people, through various image education systems. It also supports all professionals and future professionals in the sector, including artist-authors, particularly in the field of training.

Laurent Vennier

Deputy director
Daphné Bruneau

Professional Support department
Perrine Vincent

Public department
Léa Luret

Territorial Cooperation department
Fanny Busson


Film heritage directorate

The Film heritage directorate manages the conservation, safeguarding, restoration and cataloging of films on all media, entrusted to the CNC within the framework of voluntary deposits and the legal deposit of cinema.
This directorate coordinates the major private heritage institutions devoted to cinema in their management of collections, supports nationally and internationally, any initiative relating to cinematographic heritage.

Laurent Cormier

Deputy director / Head of collections
Béatrice de Pastre

Collection access, development and enrichment department
Eric Le Roy

Documentary analysis and processing department
Patrice Delavie

General administration department

Hygiene, security and environment department
Patrick Khafif

Inventory, conservation and logistics department
Nicolas Caïssa

Laboratory / Restoration department
Simone Appleby


Directorate of European and International Affairs

The Directorate for European and International Affairs participates in the development and management of Community policy in the audiovisual sector at European and international level.

Jérémie Kessler

Deputy director
Michel Plazanet


Digital directorate

The digital directorate supports changes in the audiovisual and cinema sectors linked to the development of digital technologies. It monitors the emergence of new cultural uses linked to new technologies and provides assistance for the dissemination of cultural content on physical media and video on demand.

Pauline Augrain

Deputy director
Arnaud Roland

Deputy director in charge of Organization and information services department
Cédric Lange

France 2030 department
André Santelli

Attractiveness department
Daphné Lora

Digital creation department
Olivier Fontenay

Technical industries and innovation department
Pauline Dalmasso

Video department
Laetitia Facon-Soret

IT department
Céline Souleyreau


General secretariat

Secretary general
Leslie Thomas

Deputy Secretary general
Agnès Toullieux

Film and television registers services
Laura Costedoat

The Cinema and Audiovisual Registers (RCA), created by a law of February 22, 1944, are maintained by the CNC. This department ensures the publicity of acts, agreements and judgments relating to the production, distribution, representation and exploitation of cinematographic and audiovisual works. The existence of RCAs allows in particular the implementation of an original security system (pledge and delegation of receipts), which facilitates professionals' access to credit.

General services
Hélène Blondeau

Inspection department
Lydia Loisy

The Inspection department is responsible for monitoring compliance with the regulations

Personnel and human resources department
Damien Landrini


Communication directorate

Sarah Drouhaud

Deputy director
Ariane Nouvet

Press officer
Vivien Plagnol


Financial and legal directorate

The Financial and Legal Directorate is responsible for preparing and implementing the institution's budget, monitoring its execution and management control.
It also assesses the financial impact of the projects and actions carried out by the CNC, ensures a permanent regulatory function over the entire field of the establishment's interventions and monitors the evolution of the methods of support for the economic sector.

Vincent Villette

Deputy director
Patricia Belluire

Deputy director in charge of European and multilateral affairs
Aurélie Champagne

Budget department
Arthur Nguyen

Financing department
Nassim Collignon

Legal and regulatory affairs department
Emilie Gaillard


Research, statistics and forecast department

The Research, statistics and forecast department (DESPRO) is organized around three main activities: the production of statistics, the conduct of studies and the development of data and forecasting trends.

Cécile Lacoue

Deputy director
Sophie Jardillier


State supervision

General economic and financial control manager
Vincent Guitton

Head of the general economic and financial control mission “Mission Média Culture”
Michel Lehalle


Accounting office

Accounting officer
Yves Damé

Assistant to the accounting officer
Amélie Lefevre



Laurence Franceschini