Aide aux cinémas du monde

Aide aux cinémas du monde

Created in 2012 and co-managed by the CNC and the Institut français, the Aide aux cinémas du monde (ACM) aims to encourage and support the international coproduction of feature films between France and all the countries of the world. It promotes the cultural diversity of cinematographic works, encourages the emergence and consolidation of foreign talent, artistic and technical collaboration with the French industry and its attractiveness.

Within the framework the ACM’s reform, new measures will be applied from June 1st, 2024 and will be applicable to projects submitted from this date.

> See also: ACM Distribution

  • Sector : Cinema - International
  • Phase of action : Production
  • Type of support : Animation, Fiction, Documentary, Feature film
  • Type of support : Selective support
  • Applicant :

Projects were submitted (before or after filming) before June 1st 2024

Producers whose projects were submitted (before or after filming) before June 1st 2024 should refer to the descriptions prior to this date, which can be downloaded here.

Filing procedures

Any application submitted outside of the scheduled dates will be rejected.

Applications can only be submitted online.

Practical documents to download:


The Aide aux cinémas du monde (ACM) is a selective grant awarded to a production company established in France. It is reserved for feature-length fiction, animation or creative documentary projects intended for initial theatrical release in France and with a final screening time of more than one hour. It may be granted before filming or after filming. A production company cannot submit more than one application for support from each committee for the same ACM session.

The application for pre-filming support is submitted by the production company established in France. An exception may be made for projects submitted by production companies established in one of the countries listed in appendix 2 of the application form downloadable on this page.

The same project by the same director may not be the subject of more than two applications for pre-filming support.

The application for post-filming support is submitted by the production company established in France and only concerns projects that have not been selected for pre-filming support and that have not been screened for the first time in cinemas or publicly at a festival prior to the application. A project that has not been selected for support after filming may not be the subject of a new application.

Grants are awarded by the Presidents of the CNC and the Institut Français, based on the advice of committees comprising leading figures from the cinematographic industry.

  • The first committee is responsible for examining applications for pre-filming support for first and second feature-length films.
  • The second committee examines applications for pre-filming support submitted for works by directors who have already made at least two feature films.
  • The third committee examines applications for post-filming support.

Each year, 4 sessions are organised and around sixty projects are supported.


  • The projects submitted must be part of a coproduction between a production company established in France and a production company established abroad. Derogations are possible, at the moment of submission, for production companies established in the countries listed in appendix 2 of the support description (downloadable from this page).
  • The film must be directed by a foreign national (or, in exceptional cases, a French national, but in this case the film may not be shot mainly in the original French version or in a regional language in France).
  • The shooting language must be one of the official language(s) or language(s) in use in the foreign country(ies) of which the director is a national or in the territory where the shooting takes place.
  • Pre-filming support must be requested before filming begins.
  • Post-filming support must be submitted by the French production company in France and only concerns projects that have not been selected for pre-filming support.
  • Films whose final cost exceeds €2,500,000 must obtain a certification from the CNC with a minimum of 20 points on the financial support scale for foreign-initiated films and 25 points for French-initiated films..

All eligibility criteria are listed in the description of the scheme, downloadable on this page.

Amount of grants

The amount granted is capped at €300,000 for pre-filming support (€250,000 for projects submitted before June 1st, 2024).

For French-initiated works with a budget of more than €2,500,000, this amount is increased to €500,000 (€450,000 for projects submitted before June 1st, 2024). As for the definition of a French-initiated work, please refer to the description.

For post-filming support, the maximum amount granted is €70,000 (€50,000 for projects submitted before June 1st, 2024).

Since July 2020, projects granted for a pre-filming support, whose director is a national of an African-Caribbean or Pacific (ACP) country, and co-produced by several ACP countries, are eligible for a financial bonus under the "DEENTAL-ACP" program, designed with the financial collaboration of the European Union and the support of the Organisation of ACP States.


Prevention against gender-based and sexual violence

Since January 1st, 2021, in order to validate the eligibility of any application for support from the CNC, production companies established in France must comply with the obligations relating to prevention and action against sexual harassment specified in the Code du cinéma et de l'image animée: article 122-36-1 of the general support regulation.
> More information

> Declaration form to be downloaded and sent (completed, signed and accompanied by a certificate from the CNC that you have attended the "Preventing and taking action against gender-based and sexual violence" training course) to the following e-mail address:

Standard clauses and authors' contracts

French authors' contracts signed on or after 12/12/2021 must include the standard clauses as defined by the inter-professional agreement of October 12, 2021.

An exemption from this obligation may be granted if the author is not a French national, lives outside the French territory and is subject to regulations incompatible with the inclusion of these standard clauses. In such cases, the exemption form must be attached to the contract.

Eco-conditionality of grants

From January 1st, 2024, a report on the carbon footprint generated by the French share of the film's production must be submitted to the CNC in order to benefit from CNC supports.

For the Aide aux cinemas du monde, only co-productions with a majority French share (over 50%) will be eligible.

> More information

Concerning the pre-filming support:

  • A provisional carbon footprint must be submitted when the grant is assessed.
  • A final carbon footprint must be submitted at the moment of the request for payment of final instalment of the grant.

Concerning the post-filming support:

  • A detailed carbon footprint must be submitted when the application is submitted online.




Céline Leclercq (Head of department)
Tel. +33 1 44 34 35 73

Roxanne Tour (1st committee)
First board
Tel. +33 1 44 34 36 50

Chrystelle Guerrero (2nd committee)
2nd board
Tel. +33 1 44 34 34 29

Stéphanie Morgado (administrator)
Tel. +33 1 44 34 34 83

Simon Bordignon (administrator)
Tél. +33 1 44 34 36 50

At Institut français

Claude Brenez (3rd committee)
Third board
Tel. +33 1 88 61 38 28

Committees composition

1st committee

Copresidents :
Mrs Frédérique Dumas
Mr Jacques Fieschi

Titular members :
Mr Guillaume Benski
Mrs Sofia Djama
Mrs Alice Ormières
Mrs Sara Wikler
Mr Hédi Zardi

2nd committee

Copresidents :
Mrs Marianne Dumoulin
Mr Grégoire Melin

Titular members :
Mrs Cristèle Alves-Meira
Mrs Lucile Commeaux
Mr Jean-Laurent Csinidis
Mr Mathieu Robinet
Mrs Christine Rouxel

3rd committee

Copresidents :
Mrs Yaël Fogiel
Mr Stéphane Goudet
Membres titulaires :
Mrs Gabrielle Dumon
Mr Atiq Rahimi
Mr Philippe Reilhac
Mrs Abnousse Shalmani
Mr Antoine Simkine

Deputy members :
Mrs Neuza Bagorro
Mr Jean-Baptiste Bailly-Maitre
Mrs Marie Balducchi
Mr Jérôme Baron
Mrs Tina Baz
Mr Farid Bentoumi
Mr Guillaume de la Boulaye
Mr Jean-Etienne Brat
Mrs Laura Briand
Mrs Sonia Buchman
Mr Wissam Charaf
Mr Jérôme Chung
Mrs Sata Cissokho
Mrs Sophie Denize
Mrs Juanita Fellag Chebra
Mr Wissam Hojeij
Mr Nicholas Kaiser
Mrs Sonia Kronlund
Mr Florestan La Torre
Mr Thierry Lenouvel
Mr Nicolas Leprêtre
Mr Camille Lotteau
Mr Bastian Meiresonne
Mrs Eugénie Michel Villette
Mrs Eva Morsch Kihn
Mrs Clémentine Mourão-Ferreira
Mrs Magali Negroni
Mrs Pilar Peredo
Mrs Estelle Robin-You
Mr Denis Rostein
Mr Boubacar Sangaré
Mrs Charlotte Serrand
Mr Vincent Wang

Committees results


Next Commissions

The dates are subject to change.

PRE-FILMING SUPPORT (1st & 2nd committees)

2024 - SESSION 02

  • Applications: From June 3rd to June 7th, 2024
  • Reading session: 12th and 19th September 2024
  • Plenary session: 30-31st October ; 6th – 7th November 2024

2024 - SESSION 03

  • Call : From September 2 to 6, 2024
  • Reading Committee : December 11 & 12, 2024
  • Plenary Committees : January 27, 28, 30 & 31, 2025

2024 - SESSION 04

  • Call : From November 25 to 26, 2024
  • Reading Committees : February or March 2025 (tbc)
  • Plenary Committees : March or April 2025 (tbc)

2025 - SESSION 01

  • Call : From March 3 to 4, 2025
  • Reading Committees : June 2025 (tbc)
  • Plenary Committees: July 2025 (tbc)

2025 - SESSION 02

  • Call : From June 2 to 3, 2025
  • Reading Committees : September 2025 (tbc)
  • Plenary Committees : October or November 2025 (tbc)

2025 - SESSION N 03

  • Call : From September 4 to 5, 2025
  • Reading Committees : December 2025 (tbc)
  • Plenary Committees : January 2026 (tbc)

2025 - SESSION 04

  • Call : From November 24 to 25, 2025
  • Reading Committees : February or March 2026 (tbc)
  • Plenary Committees : March or April 2026 (tbc)

POST-FILMING SUPPORT (3rd committee)

2024 - SESSION 03

  • Applications: From September 9th to 13th 2024
  • Plenary Committee : November 4, 2024

2024 - SESSION 04

  • Call : From November 12 to 15, 2024
  • Plenary Committee : January 2025 (tbc)

2025 - SESSION 01

  • Call : From February 3 to 4, 2025
  • Plenary Committee: April 2025 (tbc)

2025 - SESSION 02

  • Call : From May 5 to 6, 2025
  • Plenary Committee : July 2025 (tbc)

2025 - SESSION 03

  • Call : From September 8 to 9, 2025
  • Plenary Committee : November 2025 (tbc)

2025 - SESSION 04

  • Call : From November 13 to 14, 2025
  • Plenary Committee: January 2026 (tbc)


  • October 25, 2024
  • November 2024 (tbc)
  • January 2025 (tbc)
  • Février 2025 (tbc)
  • Mars 2025 (tbc)
  • Avril 2025 (tbc)
  • Juin 2025 (tbc)
  • Juillet 2025 (tbc)
  • Septembre 2025 (tbc)
  • Octobre 2025 (tbc)
  • Novembre 2025 (tbc)

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