Exhibition in cinemas
- CNC grants for exhibition
- selective schemes for creation and modernization of cinemas
- modernization of independent Paris cinemas
- producing copies for small and medium-sized towns
- special systems to support distribution of art house and little-known films
Non-commercial distribution
- the Images de la Culture catalogue is a CNC information tool for the ministry of culture and communication and an instrument adapted to anyone running a scheme in direct contact with the public, with a great diversity of practices and topics. It includes 2000 documentary works acquired by the various directorates of the ministry of culture and communication. The CNC contributes to the Images de la Culture catalogue through the Regards sur le cinema commission. It is designed for cultural, social or educational bodies in France.
- film clubs
- the federations supplying copies of films to film clubs are authorized by decree of the minister for cultural affairs and the minister for education, and subsidized by the CNC for the most part.
Support for associations
Support to national associations for experimental films and research, the CNC provides aid for their operating costs and actions, based on annual projects.
In particular, they run promotional actions for films by publishing the accompanying documentation and organizing screenings for exhibitors.
Support for film director associations, the CNC supports the promotion of marginal films in medium-sized towns and funds film directors’ travel expenses.
Support to associations for distribution of: experimental films documentaries cartoons short films foreign films, the CNC is also responsible for developing export and promoting French films and television programmes abroad, in cooperation with the other ministries concerned, and through its funding of Unifrance film international and TV France international.