CNC at The 75th Cannes international Film Festival - Program

CNC at The 75th Cannes international Film Festival - Program

16 May 2022
The CNC beach
The CNC beach Eric Bonté - CNC

Provisional programme of professional events organised this year by the CNC during the Cannes Film Festival (from Tuesday, 17 May to Saturday, 28 May 2022).


The events will take place on Plage du Gray d'Albion - Boulevard de la Croisette and the Film France CNC stand (Marché du Film, stand no. 101– Village International, Riviera side).


On the CNC beach

Wednesday, 18 May

The Résidence du Festival
3 p.m.–6 p.m.: Résidents du Festival pitches and awards ceremony – sixth edition
The Cannes Résidents du Festival: 12 young authors (international authors producing their first or second feature films) are selected every year from approximately 1,000 applications. At the end of the pitches, two winners will be awarded by a jury composed of Emily Atef, director, Lyes Salem, actor and Nadia Turincev, producer, Easy Riders Films.

Thursday, 19 May

Exporting and international attractiveness
9.45 a.m.–11.15 a.m.: France, a filming land on a worldwide scale;

VFX, talents converging on France
In English

11.15 a.m.–12.30 p.m.: Independent cinema around the world: How can we promote its diversity of creation and ensure its distribution?
In English.

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South Korea and France: two role models
2.30 p.m.–5.30 p.m.: Round tables organised with the Korean Film Council (KOFIC)
- Part 1: Diversity: a common goal
- Part 2: Which cinemas for the audience of tomorrow?
With interpreting in English, French and Korean.


Friday, 20 May

Committing to creative freedom in the world
11.30 a.m.–12.30 p.m.: Launch of the “Free camera! ”

Saturday, 21 May

The great regulatory debate
10 a.m.–noon: Chains and platforms in financing creation: diversity and sovereignty

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3 p.m.–4 p.m.: France Culture Cinéma awards ceremony
- The France Culture Cinéma recognition award
- The France Culture Cinéma students award
- Acid-France Culture youth favourites

4 p.m.–5 p.m.: How can we help videographers move from the web to other screens?


Sunday, 22 May

France 2030: a new ambition for the image sector
10 a.m.–noon: France 2030: the challenges of a plan to place France among the world leaders in production
- Part 1: The challenges of modernising production equipment
- Part 2: Decarbonisation issues: investing to reduce the carbon footprint
- Part 3: Training issues

ARCOM-CNC meeting

3 p.m.–4.30 p.m.: The protection of creation, combating piracy: new regulation, new opportunities

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4.45 p.m.–5.45 p.m.: Fespaco 2023 press conference

Monday, 23 May

Reflections on the future of cinema

10.30 a.m.–12.30 p.m.: Winning back and renewing audiences
- Part 1: Focus on attendance post-Covid, presentation of the results of the exclusive CNC-Vertigo study: Why are French people not going to the cinema as often?
- Part 2: Focus on levers to win back audiences around innovation, marketing and data.

3.30 p.m.–5 p.m.: NFT and Metaverse: New financing method? New distribution method?

Tuesday, 24 May

Matinee Doc Day
In partnership with Marché du Film, Scam and Unifrance.

Focus on script writing
3 p.m.–4.30 p.m.: Conversation about the “Author Journey” grant

Wednesday, 25 May

Heritage, the restoration of films in the spotlight

11 a.m.-noon: Hollywood Foreign Press Association's support for film restoration
Noon–12.30 p.m.: Restoration of Abel Gance’s Napoleon: new extracts and progress of work
3.30 p.m.-5 p.m.: Fourth edition of the Citizenship Award

Thursday, 26 May

Towards low-carbon production
10.30 a.m.–noon: Round table: environmentally responsible filming and its energy impact
Noon–12.30 p.m.: Ecoprod award ceremony

Friday, 27 May

Positive Cinema Day - Towards a more inclusive cinema
2 p.m.–3.30 p.m.: Cinema: accessible to all and for all
3.30 p.m.–4.45 p.m.: Cinema: inclusion and gender equality
4.45 p.m.–4.50 p.m.: Award for best positive film from the Cannes Film Festival selection


On the Film France CNC stand

Marché du Film, stand no. 101 – International Village, Riviera side.

Wednesday, 18 May

3 p.m.–4 p.m.: Presentation of the study “Employment in the film and audiovisual sector: what are the post-pandemic challenges?” by Audiens and Film Paris Région.

Thursday, 19 May

10 a.m.-11 a.m.: Presentation of the SNCF cinema and filming centre

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3 p.m.–4 p.m.: The French Experience - international tax credit (in English)

Monday, 23 May

3 p.m.–4 p.m.: Presentation “The French Experience” - international tax credit/co-production
In English