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In November 2017, the movie-going audience was mostly made up of men (54.0%, 54.2% in October 2017).
The proportion of individuals under 15 in the movie-going audience decreased (14.1% in November 2017 compared to 15.7% in October 2017), due to the end of the School Holidays. Cumulatively, over the eleven last months of 2017, the share of 3-14 years old reached 14.6%. The share of 15-24 years old was stable in November 2017 (20.9%, as in Octobre), whereas the share of seniors increased (25.6%, compared to 23.5% in October). In November 2017, the average age of cinemagoers is 36 years.
The share of the upper socio-professional category increased (34.0% compared to 33.5% in October 2017), whereas the share of "non-working individuals" decreased (41.3% compared to 42.6% in October 2017). This is mainly due to the share of schoolchildren, students (-1.3 percentage point compared to October 2017).
In November 2017, the proportion of frequent cinemagoers was relatively high during week 47 (almost 30%). Globally, fequent cinemagoers accounted for 26.1% of moviegoers in November (compared to 25.8% in October) and occasional cinemagoers made up 16.5% (17.7% in October).