The research, statistics and forecast department (SESPRO) reports directly to CNC senior management.
SESPRO is organized into three principal activities: producing statistics, running surveys and preparing prospective data and trends.
SESPRO produces statistical data covering all the fields in which CNC intervenes.
Its work consists in organizing the information, comparing databases, processing, checking, analysing and producing statistics, and finally their publication.
Another SESPRO mission is answering enquiries. Over 600 requests for statistical data are submitted to it every year.
SESPRO runs economic, financial, socio-demographic or technical surveys (about 25 a year) in response to requests submitted by the Centre's departments, professional organizations or by public authorities.
They are then included in the context of an annual survey programme. The SESPRO budget for surveys amounted to €350,000 in 2005.
Almost half the funds are allotted to surveys done on a yearly basis (regular surveys). The surveys are regularly done in partnership with professional organizations which, in that case, contribute their expertise in the sector and supply data.
Occasionally, these organizations also co-finance the surveys.
SESPRO also cooperates on a regular basis with institutional partners like DEPS, CSA, DDM or OEA to produce various works.
This activity is organized into :
- modelling : econometric modelling to make projections on market developments
- economic watch : daily, in particular it follows the development of the economic life of companies and concentration phenomena
- international watch : for over 20 years SESPRO has been collecting statistical data on cinema and television markets abroad.
The analyses are published in a quarterly review (International Newsbrief)
Other activities
SESPRO participates in many workgroups. It runs or co-runs some observatories (broadcast observatory, television production observatory, film production observatory).
It produces many briefing documents on different subjects.
It acts as an internal adviser on how to create databases and prepare relevant and significant statistical indicators.
Promotion of works
SESPRO now has three tools for publicising its works :
- the CNC info dossiers, the Centre's traditional publication
- the surveys are also published in hard copy
- most of the works are posted online on the CNC website