Applications must be sent exclusively in digital form to No paper submissions will be accepted.
Writing assistance, intended exclusively for authors, is provided at a very early stage, and supports the development of all or part of the game design bible, presenting all the characteristics of the game to come. It aims to encourage originality and artistic risk-taking at the birth of a project. It is paid in the form of a grant.
The pre-production grant supports all the preparatory work involved in creating a game: final writing of the design bible, creation of the artistic charter, detailed technical study, production of a prototype that both removes technical and conceptual obstacles and serves as a presentation medium for potential financial partners. It is paid in the form of a grant.
Production aid (formerly intellectual property creation aid) supports the actual production phase, once the preparatory work has been completed and before the game is marketed. It is conditional on the development studio retaining the intellectual property rights to its game. This pre-existing condition, which is specific to this grant, is designed to encourage the development of a network of independent studios that create cultural and heritage value from the games they produce. The aid is paid in the form of a grant.
Support for collective operations finances information and promotional activities aimed at the entire industry, in particular: study days, professional days, markets, festivals of national or international scope. It is paid in the form of a grant.
All creation grants are awarded on the advice of a commission of experts, who evaluate projects according to the following main criteria:
- Artistic quality: originality of the concept and its contribution to the diversity of the creation, coherence of the game mechanics, quality of the graphic and sound universe, quality of the storytelling approach (if applicable) ;
- Technical mastery: consistency of technological choices; mastery of tools and technical capacity to complete the project ;
- Economic viability: competitive analysis; sales potential; consistency of quotation: company's financial capacity.
Full description
This writing aid, intended exclusively for authors (i.e. individuals), is designed to support the development of all or part of a video game's design bible (commonly known as a game design document) presenting all the characteristics of the game to come: game mechanics, story elements, graphics bible, programming principles and other technical specifications.
This aid has several aims:
Grants are awarded to the author or to several authors making up a creative team, in accordance with the distribution agreement included in the application file.
The author, or at least one of the authors, must provide proof of specific training in the field of video games, or significant experience in the creative team of a video game made available to the public, either for a fee or free of charge.
To be eligible for subsidies, authors must either be French nationals, or nationals of a Member State of the European Union, of another State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, of a State party to the Council of Europe's European Convention on Transfrontier Television, or of a third European State with which the Community or the European Union has concluded agreements relating to the audiovisual sector. Foreigners other than nationals of the above-mentioned European states, who hold a French resident card or equivalent document issued by a member state of the European Union or another state party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, are treated in the same way as French citizens.
The author(s) must be the sole creator of the project they are submitting, hold all rights to it and be able to present it (e.g.: not have signed a contract transferring the rights to this work to a studio / producer / publisher, not have signed an exclusivity contract with a studio / producer / publisher, etc.).
- The project must be an original work of creation specifically designed for a videogame experience.
- The project may be intended for one or more video game platforms.
- The project must be designed and written in French.
The application is submitted by the author or jointly by the authors who make up the creative team.
To receive support, the author(s) must submit an administrative and artistic file in accordance with the application form available for download.
Grants are awarded by the President of the CNC, after approval by the Video Game Commission.
At the time of submission, the project must be presented in a form that enables the commission to assess its current state of progress, and the interest of supporting the writing work that remains to be done. The project must present the author's key ideas in terms of overall concept, gameplay, narrative, graphics and sound, and technical environment.
The committee of experts evaluates the projects and issues an opinion based on the following criteria:
Artistic quality:
- originality of the concept and its contribution to creative diversity
- coherent game mechanics
- quality of the proposed graphic and sound universe
- quality of storytelling (if applicable)
Technical glance:
The author(s) is/are not expected to have systematic expertise in all these fields, but to have a level of knowledge and ambition that will enable him/her to grasp the issues at stake and present the writing avenues envisaged in the submitted project.
- The intensity of writing assistance may not exceed 100% of eligible costs.
- This assistance can be combined with other FAJV grants, in order to follow the different phases of game production.
- This assistance is paid in the form of a grant.
Grants are selective. They are granted by the President of the CNC, on the advice of the video game commission.
Assistance is the subject of an agreement between the Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée (CNC) and the beneficiaries. The grant is paid in two instalments: a first instalment corresponding to 75% of the total grant, and a second instalment of 25% once the writing work has been completed.
The deadline for completion of the writing project is a maximum of 12 months from the signing of the agreement. The agreement must be signed within 12 months of the date of the grant decision.
This assistance covers all the preparatory work involved in the creation of a game: final writing of the design bible, creation of the artistic charter, detailed technical study, production of a prototype that both removes technical and conceptual obstacles and serves as a presentation medium for potential financial partners.
The aid is intended for commercial companies established in France which are not controlled by non-European capital within the meaning of Article L.233-3 of the French Commercial Code. The company's chairman, director or manager, as well as the majority of its directors, must be French nationals, or nationals of a European country, or holders of a French residency permit.
The video game creation company undertakes to :
- comply with social legislation ;
- be up to date with all social security obligations;
- start the prototype within 3 months of the date of the committee meeting
- The project must be an original work of creation specifically designed for a videogame experience.
- The project may be intended for one or more video game platforms.
- The project must be designed and written in French.
The application is submitted by the company responsible for the pre-production of the video game. It must take (or share jointly with another company) the initiative and the financial, technical and artistic responsibility for the development of the video game prototype, and guarantee its successful completion.
To qualify for support, the company must submit an administrative and artistic file in accordance with the application form available for download.
Grants are awarded by the President of the CNC, after consultation with the Video Game Commission.
At the time of submission, the project must be presented in a form that enables the committee to assess its current state of progress, and the interest in supporting pre- production / prototyping work. The project must include a significant element of game design, particularly in terms of overall concept, gameplay, narrative, graphics and sound, and technical environment.
The panel of experts evaluates the projects and issues an opinion based on the following criteria:
Artistic quality :
- originality of the concept and its contribution to creative diversity
- consistent game mechanics
- quality of graphics and sound
- quality of storytelling (if applicable)
Technical expertise :
- consistency of technological choices
- mastery of tools and technical ability to complete the project
Economic viability :
- competitive analysis
- market potential
- consistency of quotation
- financial capacity
The amount of aid is capped at 50% of prototyping expenses, understood as all pre- production expenses for the game up to the production of a playable prototype. It is awarded in the form of a grant.
Pre-production support can now be combined with production support (formerly support for the creation of intellectual property).
Eligible expenses
When calculating the amount of aid, the following are taken into account :
- salaries and social security contributions for pre-production staff and remuneration paid to authors
- the cost of instruments and equipment insofar as and for as long as they are used for pre-production. If these instruments and equipment are not used for the entire duration of the project, only the depreciation costs corresponding to the duration of the project are taken into account, calculated pro rata to the actual time of use.
- the cost of buildings, land and equipment, insofar as and for as long as they are used for pre-production. In the case of buildings, only depreciation costs corresponding to the duration of the project are taken into account, calculated pro rata to the actual time of use. In the case of land, the costs of commercial disposal or the investment costs actually incurred are taken into account
- costs of consultancy and equivalent services used exclusively for pre-production, including research, technical knowledge and patents purchased or licensed from sources outside the company
- additional overheads incurred directly by the company as a result of R&D and innovation work linked to the project
- other operating expenses, including the cost of materials, supplies and similar products incurred directly by the company as a result of R&D and innovation work linked to the project.
The aid granted is the subject of an agreement between the Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée and the beneficiary company. This agreement stipulates the company's rights and obligations. The prototype must be completed within 24 months of signature of the agreement. The agreement must be signed within 12 months of the award decision.
Two payments are planned:
A first instalment corresponding to 75% of the total amount of the grant, after the company has submitted the following information:
- the signed agreement ;
- the updated financing plan, taking into account the assistance granted;
- all supporting documents (public or private);
- a provisional list of the project team and service companies;
- subcontracts, if any;
- the prototype production schedule.
A second payment of 25% upon delivery of the following items:
- the playable prototype ;
- the completed and updated application form ;
- Detailed final accounts for the prototype, drawn up by a chartered accountant or certified by an auditor
- Copies of pay slips for the following positions: scriptwriter, director or creative director, game mechanics manager, art director, lead designer, technical director, lead programmer and lead developer ;
- any evidence of public or private funding not provided with the first instalment
- any co-production contract entered into with another company that is not included in the first instalment ;
- a summary of invoices from technical service providers and equipment hire companies, with the names and addresses of the service providers, as well as any service contracts not supplied with the first instalment or which have been amended.
- If the company does not complete the game prototype for which it has received support, it is obliged to reimburse all sums paid.
Production aid (formerly intellectual property creation aid) supports the actual production phase, after completion of preparatory work and before the game is marketed. It is conditional on the development studio retaining the intellectual property rights to its game. This pre-existing condition, specific to this aid, is designed to encourage the development of a network of independent studios that create cultural and heritage value from the games they produce.
The aid is intended for commercial companies established in France which are not controlled by non-European capital within the meaning of Article L.233-3 of the French Commercial Code. The company's chairman, director or manager, as well as the majority of its directors, must be French nationals, or nationals of a European country, or holders of a French residency permit.
The video game creation company undertakes to :
- comply with social legislation ;
- be up to date with all social security obligations;
- start production of the video game within 3 months of the date of the commission.
- The project must be an original work of creation specifically designed for a videogame experience aimed at the general public.
- The project may be intended for one or more video game platforms.
- The project must be designed and written in French.
- The company is responsible for the production of the video game. It must take (or share jointly with another company) the initiative and financial, technical and artistic responsibility for the development of the video game, and guarantee its successful completion.
- The company must hold at least 50% of the tangible and intangible property rights (or at least 30% in the case of an international co-production), even after the game has been marketed.
- Projects based on order or service contracts are not eligible.
The application is submitted by the company responsible for producing the video game and owning the intellectual property rights. It must take (or share jointly with another company) the initiative and the financial, technical and artistic responsibility for the development of the video game, and guarantee its successful completion.
To receive support, the company must submit an administrative and artistic file in accordance with the application form available for download.
If you wish, you can add to your file a face-to-face presentation of the project and its editorial features in the form of a secure Vimeo
active link. This video is intended for the committee's experts and should be no longer than 3 minutes.
At the time of submission, the project must be presented in a form that enables the commission to assess the value of supporting the production work. The project must present the entire game design, notably in terms of overall concept, gameplay, narrative, graphic and sound universe, technical environment, and also the production elements (planning, tools, methodology) enabling the commission to assess whether the project seems effectively ready to tackle this phase.
Artistic quality:
- originality of the concept and its contribution to creative diversity
- consistent game mechanics
- quality of graphics and sound
- quality of storytelling (if applicable)
Technical mastery:
- consistency of technological choices
- mastery of tools and technical ability to complete the project
- Production methodology and team cohesion
Economic viability:
- competitive analysis
- market potential
- consistency of quotation
- financial capacity
The amount of aid is capped at 50% of the game's production costs. In addition, the total amount of public funding may not exceed 50% of the final cost of production.
Aid is awarded in the form of a grant.
Eligible expenses
To calculate the amount of aid, the following expenses are taken into account, directly assigned to the creation of the video game:
- remuneration of authors ;
- personnel costs (artistic team, development and programming team and production team) ;
- subcontracting expenses ;
- depreciation and fixed assets ;
- overheads (capped at 10% of budget).
Assistance is subject to an agreement between the Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée and the beneficiary company.
The video game must be completed within 36 months of the signing of the agreement. The agreement must be signed within 12 months of the award decision.
Two payments are planned:
A first instalment corresponding to 75% of the total amount of aid granted, after the company has submitted the following information:
- the signed agreement ;
- the financing plan, updated if necessary to take account of the assistance granted;
- all supporting documents (public or private);
- a provisional list of the production team and service companies;
- any subcontracts (if applicable) ;
- the game's production schedule.
A second payment of 25% upon delivery of the following items:
- two copies of the video game or two dedicated accesses if it's an online or mobile game.
- the completed and updated application form
- Detailed final accounts for the game, drawn up by a chartered accountant or certified by an auditor
- copies of pay slips for the following positions: scriptwriter, director or creative director, game mechanics manager, art director, lead designer, technical director, lead programmer, lead developer
- any evidence of public or private funding not provided at the time of the first payment
- any co-production contract concluded with another company and not supplied with the first instalment
- a summary of invoices from technical service providers and equipment hire companies, with the names and addresses of the service providers, as well as any service contracts not supplied with the first instalment or which have been amended
- any contract with a publisher or distributor not previously supplied
- In addition, the company undertakes to provide the CNC with annual figures on the commercial exploitation of the game (number of units sold/distributed, sales) during the first 3 years of the game's exploitation. These data will be used by the
- CNC for global studies and statistics, and will remain confidential.
- If the company does not complete the game for which it has received support, it is obliged to reimburse all sums paid.
Assistance for collective operations finances information and promotional initiatives aimed at the entire industry, in particular: study days, professional days, festivals of national or international scope.
The aid is intended for associations or commercial companies established in France which are not controlled within the meaning of Article L.233-3 of the French Commercial Code by non-European capital. Their president, director or manager, as well as the majority of their directors, must be French nationals, or nationals of a European country, or holders of a French residency permit.
Projects for events (trade days, professional conferences as part of national or international events, trade shows) organized by companies or associations for the video game sector.
Projects must be submitted by the companies actually organizing the event. Grants are awarded by the President of the CNC, on the recommendation of the committee.
- Theme of the event / quality of the program and speakers
- Target audience
- Competitor analysis
- National and international benefits for the video game industry
- Financing and organizational capacity
The amount of aid is capped at 50% of the budget for the planned operation. Total public funding may not exceed 50% of the final cost of the project.
Assistance is provided in the form of a grant.
Eligible expenses
The following expenses are taken into account when calculating the amount of aid, and are directly linked to the organization of the event:
- organization-related personnel costs ;
- program development costs ;
- costs of conferences and workshops ;
- space and equipment rental costs;
- communication and reception costs.
Assistance is subject to an agreement between the Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée and the beneficiary company. The agreement must be signed within 12 months of the award decision.
Two payments are planned:
a first instalment corresponding to 75% of the total amount of aid awarded, once the company or association has submitted the following information:
- the signed agreement ;
- the updated financing plan, taking into account the assistance granted;
- proof of public or private funding;
- all supporting documents (public or private);
- a provisional list of service companies;
- subcontracts, if any;
- the event schedule and list of participants.
a second instalment of 25% after presentation to the CNC of the following items :
- The final detailed accounts showing the exact final cost of the event, drawn up by a chartered accountant or certified by an auditor;
- the final program of the event and the attendance figures generated;
- any evidence of public or private funding not provided with the first instalment;
- a summary of invoices from technical service providers and equipment rental companies, with the names and addresses of service providers, as well as any service contracts not supplied with the first instalment or which have been amended
In addition, the company undertakes to provide the CNC with a complete and detailed report within three months of the event, showing in particular the number of visitors and their status (paying, free, guests, etc.), the number of exhibitors and speakers, and the sales achieved.
Role and operation of the commission
CNC grants are awarded by the President of the CNC on the advice of a commission of professionals, appointed for two years. These professionals judge the projects submitted to them on the basis of their consistency with the selection criteria set out for each scheme.
The same project may be submitted successively to each of the existing schemes (writing, pre-production, production), as and when it progresses, whether or not it has received assistance from one of these schemes. On the other hand, it is impossible to resubmit a project to a scheme to which it has already been submitted, unless the committee has issued a "deferral" notice for the project, explicitly allowing it to be resubmitted.
Ethics and confidentiality
When a member of the committee is personally concerned, directly or indirectly, by a dossier on the agenda, he/she informs the committee chairman, who invites him/her to withdraw during the debate and examination of the dossier. On returning to the meeting, the person concerned refrains from making any reference to the dossier.
Members of the committee are bound by an obligation of confidentiality regarding all information they receive in the course of their work. More specifically, confidentiality applies to all information contained in grant application files, all debates and deliberations at committee meetings, and all amounts proposed at the end of meetings.
All companies and authors who have submitted an application are notified by email of the outcome of the committee meeting within 72 hours.
Upcoming Commissions
Next submission deadlines :
- monday, january 8, 2024
- monday april 8, 2024
- Monday, July 8, 2024
- monday, october 7, 2024
Commissions are held around 2 months after the application deadline.
What are the obligations involved in combating sexist and sexual violence?
Please refer to the "Anti-sexual harassment" tab of the application files available for download, or consult more information.
My project has been rejected. Can I submit it to the next commission?
Not unless the commission has specifically issued a "deferral" opinion.
Should I indicate the pre-production budget or the full production budget when applying for Pre-Production Assistance?
The administrative file must refer to the pre-production budget. A rough estimate of the future overall budget can be given in the artistic file.
I'm designing a game as part of a development studio. Am I eligible for writing assistance?
Only independent authors are eligible for writing grants. If you are an employee of a video game studio, you are not eligible.
I'm not a graphic designer or programmer. Can I apply for writing assistance?
The only criterion is that you must have trained at a recognized school in the video game industry and/or have already taken part in the design of a video game that has been commercialized. You can submit a file without any original visual creation, but you must make your artistic vision clear in the form of trend boards, references to other works, etc.
Can I submit several projects to the same commission?
There is no limit on the number of files that can be presented to the commission, within the company's financing and development capacities.
Can expenses incurred on the project before submission be taken into account when calculating the budget?
Expenses can be taken into account on presentation of supporting documents (payslip, service invoice).
I am an auto-entrepreneur. Am I eligible for pre-production and production grants?
Only commercial companies are eligible for pre-production and production support.
My project is a serious game for an institution or company. Am I eligible?
The FAJV is not intended to support serious games, but rather video game projects whose aim is to be effectively marketed to the general public.
Composition of the commission
Vice President
- Jehanne Rousseau, Spiders
- Dinga Bakaba, Arkane studio
- Stéphanie Beaudoin, Dear Villagers
- Anna-Maria de Jésus, freelance designer
- Sarah Hourcade, 12/10ème
- Guillaume Magnies, Old Skull Games
- Modiie (Anaïs Garestier), streamer
- Virginie Mosser, Ubisoft
- Xavier Rousselle, Isart Digital
- Alan Snrech, Microsoft
- Sébastien Tasserie, Netease
- Cédric Bache, Labelle Games
- Mélanie Courtinat, freelance designer
- Fanny Desgranges, Shiro Games
- Vincent Dondaine, Disruptive Dynamics
Assistant / Manager
Tel. 01 44 34 35 53
Project Manager
Tel. 01 44 34 36 45
Thierno BAH
Project Manager
Tel. 01 44 34 37 70
Alexandra COLA
Ecritures Numériques project manager (support for authors)
Tel. 01 44 34 34 12
Department Manager